du :Disk Usage 命令

内容简介:文章专门介绍的命令du,是Disk Usage命令的首字母缩写。

du -a
du -h
du -s
du -S


du is a disk usage command allows you to easily know file and directory sizes, also you can view file and directory sizes decreasing starting by biggest file, otherwise increasing by smallest file.

Here’re a few basic du commands frequently used.

du -a

du –all shows all files and directories included in currently opening directory.

du -h

du –human-readable views file and directory sizes with readable by human in KB, MB, and GB.

du -s

du –summarize display only a total for each argument.

du -S

du -separate-dirs command don’t include sub-directories sizes.

du --time

Shows the last time modifications for each file, directory and sub-directories as well.

Check more du commands by typing

du --help

Few du advanced commands

Search current directory and sub-directories for biggest files

find -type f -exec du -sh {} +  | sort -rh | head

Shows file, directory and sub-directory sizes including hidden files with increase sorting.

du -sk .[!.]* *| sort -n

Shows file, directory and sub-directory sizes including hidden files with decrease sorting.

du -sk .[!.]* *| sort -nr
