用 Python 在多个输出设备上播放多个声音文件,电脑没声音输出设备


下面这个 DEMO 演示了用树莓派驱动8个不同的扬声器,分别播放8种不同的单声道音频文件,不仅有视频,更有必要的说明:


功放板 USB 声卡 DC/DC变压器 USB HUB DC 接线端子


参照图片连接树莓派、USB 声卡、功放、USB HUB、扬声器和电源。

Multi-Audio 范例

首先给树莓派安装 sounddevice,用下面的命令即可。

sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-numpy libportaudio2 libsndfile1 
python3 -m pip install sounddevice soundfile

这里有4个音频文件,和 multi.py 在同一个目录下,目录结构如下。

├── 1.wav
├── 2.wav
├── 3.wav
├── 4.wav
└── multi.py

这段代码基于 Python 的 sounddevice 库。

multi.py, uses the sounddevice library to play multiple audio files to multiple output devices at the same time
Written by Devon Bray (dev@esologic.com)

import sounddevice
import soundfile
import threading
import os

DATA_TYPE = "float32"

def load_sound_file_into_memory(path):
    Get the in-memory version of a given path to a wav file
    :param path: wav file to be loaded
    :return: audio_data, a 2D numpy array

    audio_data, _ = soundfile.read(path, dtype=DATA_TYPE)
    return audio_data

def get_device_number_if_usb_soundcard(index_info):
    Given a device dict, return True if the device is one of our USB sound cards and False if otherwise
    :param index_info: a device info dict from PyAudio.
    :return: True if usb sound card, False if otherwise

    index, info = index_info

    if "USB Audio Device" in info["name"]:
        return index
    return False

def play_wav_on_index(audio_data, stream_object):
    Play an audio file given as the result of `load_sound_file_into_memory`
    :param audio_data: A two-dimensional NumPy array
    :param stream_object: a sounddevice.OutputStream object that will immediately start playing any data written to it.
    :return: None, returns when the data has all been consumed


def create_running_output_stream(index):
    Create an sounddevice.OutputStream that writes to the device specified by index that is ready to be written to.
    You can immediately call `write` on this object with data and it will play on the device.
    :param index: the device index of the audio device to write to
    :return: a started sounddevice.OutputStream object ready to be written to

    output = sounddevice.OutputStream(
    return output

if __name__ == "__main__":

    def good_filepath(path):
        Macro for returning false if the file is not a non-hidden wav file
        :param path: path to the file
        :return: true if a non-hidden wav, false if not a wav or hidden
        return str(path).endswith(".wav") and (not str(path).startswith("."))

    cwd = os.getcwd()
    sound_file_paths = [
        os.path.join(cwd, path) for path in sorted(filter(lambda path: good_filepath(path), os.listdir(cwd)))

    print("Discovered the following .wav files:", sound_file_paths)

    files = [load_sound_file_into_memory(path) for path in sound_file_paths]

    print("Files loaded into memory, Looking for USB devices.")

    usb_sound_card_indices = list(filter(lambda x: x is not False,
                                             [index_info for index_info in enumerate(sounddevice.query_devices())])))

    print("Discovered the following usb sound devices", usb_sound_card_indices)

    streams = [create_running_output_stream(index) for index in usb_sound_card_indices]

    running = True

    if not len(streams) > 0:
        running = False
        print("No audio devices found, stopping")

    if not len(files) > 0:
        running = False
        print("No sound files found, stopping")

    while running:

        print("Playing files")

        threads = [threading.Thread(target=play_wav_on_index, args=[file_path, stream])
                   for file_path, stream in zip(files, streams)]


            for thread in threads:

            for thread, device_index in zip(threads, usb_sound_card_indices):
                print("Waiting for device", device_index, "to finish")

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            running = False
            print("Stopping stream")
            for stream in streams:
            print("Streams stopped")


运行之后将分别在3个设备上播放 1.wav、2.wav 和 3.wav 音频文件。


文章标题:用 Python 在多个输出设备上播放多个声音文件 - 树莓派实验室 固定链接:https://shumeipai.nxez.com/2019/02/21/play-multiple-sound-files-on-multiple-output-devices.html
