ansible remote -m ping发生错误,ansible-m

对ansible的免密码登录测试中,ssh可以登录:ssh &user@&IP -p &port

但在执行ansible remote -m ping发生错误:

wuben@ | FAILED => failed to transfer file to /home/wuben/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-15                   31879501.14-75723919673044/ping:

Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer
解决办法: 设置修改ansible.cfg,[ssh_connection]中的 piplining=Ture

You have to set pipelining = True in your ansible.cfg file under the [ssh_connection] group.

Looks like 2.3 broke falling back to scp if sftp isn't available on the host. It works fine in 2.2, but 2.3 has a bug. The above workaround will work for now.

