
apt                                                          Manages apt-packages                                   
authorized_key                                               Adds or removes an SSH authorized key                  
copy                                                         Copies files to remote locations                       
cron                                                         Manage cron.d and crontab entries                      
debug                                                        Print statements during execution                      
dnsimple                                                     Interface with (a DNS hosting service).   
docker                                                       manage docker containers                               
easy_install                                                 Installs Python libraries                              
file                                                         Sets attributes of files                               
git                                                          Deploy software (or files) from git checkouts          
git_config                                                   Read and write git configuration                       
group                                                        Add or remove groups                                   
group_by                                                     Create Ansible groups based on facts                   
hostname                                                     Manage hostname                                        
import_playbook                                              Import a playbook                                      
import_role                                                  Import a role into a play                              
import_tasks                                                 Import a task list                                     
include                                                      Include a play or task list                            
include_role                                                 Load and execute a role                                
include_tasks                                                Dynamically include a task list                        
include_vars                                                 Load variables from files, dynamically within a task   
infinity                                                     manage Infinity IPAM using Rest API                    
jenkins_job                                                  Manage jenkins jobs                                    
jenkins_job_facts                                            Get facts about Jenkins jobs                           
jenkins_plugin                                               Add or remove Jenkins plugin                           
jenkins_script                                               Executes a groovy script in the jenkins instance       
k8s                                                          Manage Kubernetes (K8s) objects                        
k8s_scale                                                    Set a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job.                                          
lambda                                                       Manage AWS Lambda functions                            
mail                                                         Send an email                                          
make                                                         Run targets in a Makefile                              
meta                                                         Execute Ansible 'actions'                              
mongodb_parameter                                            Change an administrative parameter on a MongoDB server.
mongodb_user                                                 Adds or removes a user from a MongoDB database.        
mssql_db                                                     Add or remove MSSQL databases from a remote host.      
mysql_db                                                     Add or remove MySQL databases from a remote host.      
mysql_replication                                            Manage MySQL replication                               
mysql_user                                                   Adds or removes a user from a MySQL database.          
mysql_variables                                              Manage MySQL global variables                          
nagios                                                       Perform common tasks in Nagios related to downtime and notifications.                                                 
nginx_status_facts                                           Retrieve nginx status facts.                           
npm                                                          Manage node.js packages with npm                       
openssl_privatekey                                           Generate OpenSSL private keys.                         
openssl_publickey                                            Generate an OpenSSL public key from its private key.   
openvswitch_bridge                                           Manage Open vSwitch bridges                            
openvswitch_db                                               Configure open vswitch database.                       
openwrt_init                                                 Manage services on OpenWrt.                            
os_group                                                     Manage OpenStack Identity Groups                       
os_image                                                     Add/Delete images from OpenStack Cloud                 
pacemaker_cluster                                            Manage pacemaker clusters                              
package                                                      Generic OS package manager                             
ping                                                         Try to connect to host, verify a usable python and return `pong' on success                                           
pip                                                          Manages Python library dependencies                    
raw                                                          Executes a low-down and dirty SSH command              
redis                                                        Various redis commands, slave and flush                
rpm_key                                                      Adds or removes a gpg key from the rpm db              
say                                                          Makes a computer to speak.                             
selinux                                                      Change policy and state of SELinux                     
setup                                                        Gathers facts about remote hosts                       
yum                                                          Manages packages with the `yum' package manager        
zabbix_group                                                 Zabbix host groups creates/deletes                     
zabbix_group_facts                                           Gather facts about Zabbix hostgroup                    
zabbix_host                                                  Zabbix host creates/updates/deletes                    
zabbix_hostmacro                                             Zabbix host macro creates/updates/deletes              
zabbix_maintenance                                           Create Zabbix maintenance windows                      
zabbix_proxy                                                 Zabbix proxy creates/deletes/gets/updates              
zabbix_screen                                                Zabbix screen creates/updates/deletes                  
zabbix_template                                              create/delete/dump zabbix template                     

