sed 高级用法







1. N、D、P:处理多行模式空间的问题;
2. H、h、G、g、x:将模式空间的内容放入存储空间以便接下来的编辑;
3. :、b、t:在脚本中实现分支与条件结构。
 多行Next(N)命令是相对于next(n)命令的,后者将模式空间中的内容输出,然后把下一行读入模式空间,但是脚本并不会转移到开始而是从当前的n 命令之后开始执行;而前者则保存原来模式空间中的内容,再把新的一行读入,两者之间依靠一个换行符"\n"来分隔。在N命令执行后,控制流将继续用N命令以后的命令对模式空间进行处理。
$ cat expl.1
 Consult Section 3.1 in the Owner and Operator
 Guide for a description of the tape drives
 available on your system.
现在要将"Owner and Operator Guide"替换为"Installation Guide":
$ sed '/Operator$/{
 > N
 > s/Owner and Operator\nGuide/Installation Guide\
 > /
 > }' expl.1
$ cat expl.2
 Consult Section 3.1 in the Owner and Operator
 Guide for a description of the tape drives
 available on your system.

 Look in the Owner and Operator Guide shipped with your system.

 Two manuals are provided including the Owner and
 Operator Guide and the User Guide.

 The Owner and Operator Guide is shipped with your system.
 $ sed 's/Owner and Operator Guide/Installation Guide/
 > /Owner/{
 > N
 > s/ *\n/ /
 > s/Owner and Operator Guide */Installation Guide\
 > /
 }' expl.2
Consult Section 3.1 in the Installation Guide
 for a description of the tape drives
 available on your system.

 Look in the Installation Guide shipped with your system.

 Two manuals are provided including the Installation Guide
 and the User Guide.

 The Installation Guide is shipped with your system.
看上去sed命令中作了两次替换是多余的。实际上,如果去掉第一次替换,再运行脚本,就会发现输出存在两个问题。一个是结果中最后一行不会被替换(在某些版本的sed中甚至不会被输出)。这是因为最后一行匹配了"Owner",执行N命令,但是已经到了文件末尾,某些版本就会直接打印这行再退出,而另外一些版本则是不作出打印立即退出。对于这个问题可以通过命令"$!N"来解决。这表示N命令对最后一行不起作用。另外一个问题是"look manuals"一段被拆为两行,而且与下一段的空行被删除了。这是因为内嵌的换行符被替换的结果。因此,sed中做两次替换一点也不是多余的。
$ cat expl.3

 This is a test paragraph in Interleaf style ASCII. Another line
 in a paragraph. Yet another.

 <Figure Begin>


 <Figure End>


 More lines of text to be found after the figure.
 These lines should print.
$ sed '/<para>{
 > N
 > c\
 > .LP
 > }
 > /<Figure Begin>/,/<Figure End>/{
 > w fig.interleaf
 > /<Figure End>/i\
 > .FG\
 > <insert figure here>\
 > .FE
 > d
 > }
 > /^$/d' expl.3
 This is a test paragraph in Interleaf style ASCII. Another line
 in a paragraph. Yet another.
 <insert figure here>
 More lines of text to e found after the figure.
 These lines should print.
而<Figure Begin>与<Figure End>之间的内容则写入文件"fig.interleaf"。值得注意的是命令"d"并不会影响命令i插入的内容。
$ cat expl.4
 This line is followed by 1 blank line.

 This line is followed by 2 blank line.

 This line is followed by 3 blank line.


 This line is followed by 4 blank line.

 This is the end.


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