linux - sed

sed全名叫stream editor,流编辑器,用程序的方式来编辑文本,相当的hacker啊。sed基本上就是玩正则模式匹配,所以,玩sed的人,正则表达式一般都比较强。
$ cat pets.txt
This is my cat
my cat's name is betty
This is my dog
my dog's name is frank
This is my fish
my fish's name is george
This is my goat
my goat's name is adam
把其中的my字符串替换成Hao Chen’s,下面的语句应该很好理解(s表示替换命令,/my/表示匹配my,/Hao Chen’s/表示把匹配替换成Hao Chen’s,/g 表示一行上的替换所有的匹配):
把其中的my字符串替换成Hao Chen’s,下面的语句应该很好理解(s表示替换命令,/my/表示匹配my,/Hao Chen’s/表示把匹配替换成Hao Chen’s,/g 表示一行上的替换所有的匹配):
$ sed"s/my/Hao Chen's/g"pets.txt > hao_pets.txt
或使用 -i 参数直接修改文件内容:
$ sed -i "s/my/Hao Chen's/g" pets.txt
^ 表示一行的开头。如:/^#/ 以#开头的匹配。
$ 表示一行的结尾。如:/}$/ 以}结尾的匹配。
\< 表示词首。 如 \<abc 表示以 abc 为首的詞。
\> 表示词尾。 如 abc\> 表示以 abc 結尾的詞。
. 表示任何单个字符。
* 表示某个字符出现了0次或多次。
[ ] 字符集合。 如:[abc]表示匹配a或b或c,还有[a-zA-Z]表示匹配所有的26个字符。如果其中有^表示反,如[^a]表示非a的字符
< code>b<This</>b< is what < code>spanstyle="text-decoration: underline;"<I</>span< meant. Understand?
# 如果你这样搞的话,就会有问题
$ sed 's/< >//g' html.txt
# 要解决上面的那个问题,就得像下面这样。
# 其中的'[^<]' 指定了除了<的字符重复0次或多次。
$ sed 's/<[^>]*>//g' html.txt
This is what I meant. Understand?
$ sed"3s/my/your/g"pets.txt
This is my cat
my cat's name is betty
This is your dog
my dog's name is frank
This is my fish
my fish's name is george
This is my goat
my goat's name is adam
$ sed "3,6s/my/your/g"pets.txt
This is my cat
my cat's name is betty
This is your dog
your dog's name is frank
This is your fish
your fish's name is george
This is my goat
my goat's name is adam
$ sed 's/s/S/1' my.txt
ThiS is my cat, my cat's name is betty
ThiS is my dog, my dog's name is frank
ThiS is my fish, my fish's name is george
ThiS is my goat, my goat's name is adam
$ sed's/s/S/2'my.txt
This iS my cat, my cat's name is betty
This iS my dog, my dog's name is frank
This iS my fish, my fish's name is george
This iS my goat, my goat's name is adam
$ sed's/s/S/3g'my.txt
This is my cat, my cat'S name iS betty
This is my dog, my dog'S name iS frank
This is my fiSh, my fiSh'S name iS george
This is my goat, my goat'S name iS adam
$ sed '1,3s/my/your/g; 3,$s/This/That/g'my.txt
This is your cat, your cat's name is betty
This is your dog, your dog's name is frank
That is your fish, your fish's name is george
That is my goat, my goat's name is adam
Sed -e  '1,3s/my/your/g' -e  '3,$s/This/That/g' my.txt
$ sed 's/my/[&]/g' my.txt
This is [my] cat, [my] cat's name is betty
This is [my] dog, [my] dog's name is frank
This is [my] fish, [my] fish's name is george
This is [my] goat, [my] goat's name is adam
$ sed 's/This is my \([^,]*\),.*is \(.*\)/\1:\2/g' my.txt
正则为:This is my ([^,]*),.*is (.*)
匹配为:This is my (cat),……….is (betty)
$ cat pets.txt
This is my cat
my cat's name is betty
This is my dog
my dog's name is frank
This is my fish
my fish's name is george
This is my goat
my goat's name is adam
先来看N命令 —— 把下一行的内容纳入当成缓冲区做匹配。
$ sed'N;s/my/your/'pets.txt
This is your cat
my cat's name is betty
This is your dog
my dog's name is frank
This is your fish
my fish's name is george
This is your goat
my goat's name is adam
This is my cat\n  my cat's name is betty
This is my dog\n  my dog's name is frank
This is my fish\n  my fish's name is george
This is my goat\n  my goat's name is adam
$ sed'N;s/\n/,/'pets.txt
This is my cat,  my cat's name is betty
This is my dog,  my dog's name is frank
This is my fish,  my fish's name is george
This is my goat,  my goat's name is adam
a命令就是append, i命令就是insert,它们是用来添加行的。如:
# 其中的1i表明,其要在第1行前插入一行(insert)
$ sed "1 i This is my monkey, my monkey's name is wukong"my.txt
This is my monkey, my monkey's name is wukong
This is my cat, my cat's name is betty
This is my dog, my dog's name is frank
This is my fish, my fish's name is george
This is my goat, my goat's name is adam
# 其中的1a表明,其要在最后一行后追加一行(append)
$ sed"$ a This is my monkey, my monkey's name is wukong"my.txt
This is my cat, my cat's name is betty
This is my monkey, my monkey's name is wukong
This is my dog, my dog's name is frank
This is my fish, my fish's name is george
This is my goat, my goat's name is adam
# 注意其中的/fish/a,这意思是匹配到/fish/后就追加一行
$ sed"/fish/a This is my monkey, my monkey's name is wukong"my.txt
This is my cat, my cat's name is betty
This is my dog, my dog's name is frank
This is my fish, my fish's name is george
This is my monkey, my monkey's name is wukong
This is my goat, my goat's name is adam
c 命令是替换匹配行
$ sed "2 c This is my monkey, my monkey's name is wukong" my.txt
This is my cat, my cat's name is betty
This is my monkey, my monkey's name is wukong
This is my fish, my fish's name is george
This is my goat, my goat's name is adam
$ sed"/fish/c This is my monkey, my monkey's name is wukong"my.txt
This is my cat, my cat's name is betty
This is my dog, my dog's name is frank
This is my monkey, my monkey's name is wukong
This is my goat, my goat's name is adam
$ sed'/fish/d'my.txt
This is my cat, my cat's name is betty
This is my dog, my dog's name is frank
This is my goat, my goat's name is adam
$ sed'2d'my.txt
This is my cat, my cat's name is betty
This is my fish, my fish's name is george
This is my goat, my goat's name is adam
$ sed'2,$d'my.txt
This is my cat, my cat's name is betty
# 匹配fish并输出,可以看到fish的那一行被打了两遍,
# 这是因为sed处理时会把处理的信息输出
$ sed'/fish/p'my.txt
This is my cat, my cat's name is betty
This is my dog, my dog's name is frank
This is my fish, my fish's name is george
This is my fish, my fish's name is george
This is my goat, my goat's name is adam
# 使用n参数就好了
$ sed -n '/fish/p'my.txt
This is my fish, my fish's name is george
# 从一个模式到另一个模式
$ sed -n '/dog/,/fish/p'my.txt
This is my dog, my dog's name is frank
This is my fish, my fish's name is george
$ sed-n '1,/fish/p'my.txt
This is my cat, my cat's name is betty
This is my dog, my dog's name is frank
This is my fish, my fish's name is george

