Sendmail 配置文件(一)(1)

Sendmail 配置文件如下:


dnl #

dnl # This is the sendmail macro config file for m4. If you make changes to

dnl # /etc/mail/, you will need to regenerate the

dnl # /etc/mail/ file by confirming that the sendmail-cf package is

dnl # installed and then performing a

dnl #

dnl # make -C /etc/mail

dnl #

include(`/usr/share/sendmail-cf/m4/cf.m4')dnl (将sendmail-cf/m4/cf.m4包含进来)

VERSIONID(`setup for Red Hat Linux')dnl (定义版本信息)

OSTYPE(`linux')dnl (选择包含操作系统指定属性的文件)

dnl #

dnl # default logging level is 9, you might want to set it higher to

dnl # debug the configuration

dnl #

dnl define(`confLOG_LEVEL', `9')dnl

dnl #

dnl # Uncomment and edit the following line if your outgoing mail needs to

dnl # be sent out through an external mail server:

dnl #

dnl define(`SMART_HOST',`smtp.your.provider')

dnl #

define(`confDEF_USER_ID',``8:12'')dnl (指定使用的用户ID为8,组ID为12)

dnl define(`confAUTO_REBUILD')dnl

define(`confTO_CONNECT', `1m')dnl (设置等待连接的最大时间为1分钟)

define(`confTRY_NULL_MX_LIST',true)dnl (若MX记录指向本机,则sendmail直接连接到远程主机)

define(`confDONT_PROBE_INTERFACES',true)dnl (sendmial不会自动将服务器的网络接口视为有效地址)


define(`ALIAS_FILE', `/etc/aliases')dnl (设置邮件别名存放路径)

define(`STATUS_FILE', `/var/log/mail/statistics')dnl

define(`UUCP_MAILER_MAX', `2000000')dnl (设置处理信息的最大限制为2M)

define(`confUSERDB_SPEC', `/etc/mail/userdb.db')dnl (设置用户数据库文件路径)

define(`confPRIVACY_FLAGS', `authwarnings,novrfy,noexpn,restrictqrun')dnl (设置限制某些邮件命令的标志)

define(`confAUTH_OPTIONS', `A')dnl 仅在授权成功时。将AUTH参数加到邮件的消息头中
