Ubuntu 9.10 操作系统中安装 MonoDevelop 2.2

我们知道,在 Ubuntu 9.10 操作系统中可以使用以下命令来安装 MonoDevelop 2.0:

Copy to ClipboardLiehuo.Net Codes引用的内容:[www.veryhuo.com] $ sudo apt-get install monodevelop

但是,如果我们需要安装最新的 MonoDevelop 2.2 版本的话,可以按照以下步骤从源代码进行编译:

Copy to ClipboardLiehuo.Net Codes引用的内容:[www.veryhuo.com] ben@ben-vbox:~$ cd src
ben@ben-vbox:~/src$ svn co svn://anonsvn.mono-project.com/source/trunk/monodevelop
ben@ben-vbox:~/src$ cd monodevelop
ben@ben-vbox:~/src/monodevelop$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/monodevelop-2.2

The build profile 'default' does not exist. A new profile will be created.
Select the packages to include in the build for the profile 'default':

1. [X] main
2. [ ] extras/JavaBinding
3. [ ] extras/BooBinding
4. [ ] extras/ValaBinding
5. [ ] extras/AspNetEdit
6. [ ] extras/GeckoWebBrowser
7. [ ] extras/WebKitWebBrowser
8. [ ] extras/MonoDevelop.Database
9. [ ] extras/MonoDevelop.Profiling
10. [ ] extras/MonoDevelop.AddinAuthoring
11. [ ] extras/MonoDevelop.CodeAnalysis
12. [ ] extras/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Mdb
13. [ ] extras/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Gdb
14. [ ] extras/PyBinding
15. [ ] extras/MonoDevelop.IPhone

Enter the number of an add-in to enable/disable,
(q) quit, (c) clear all, (s) select all, or ENTER to continue:

==========> 这里省略了很多输出行 <==========

Configuration summary

* Installation prefix = /opt/monodevelop-2.2
* C# compiler = /usr/bin/gmcs
* Mono class library development extensions: yes
* Version control support: yes
* Providers:
* Subversion: yes
* C/C++ project support: yes
* Platform bindings: GNOME
* Unit tests: no
* Mozilla location:

Now type `make' to compile MonoDevelop
Configuration Summary

MonoDevelop has been configured with
prefix = /opt/monodevelop-2.2
profile = default

Packages included in the build:

ben@ben-vbox:~/src/monodevelop$ make
ben@ben-vbox:~/src/monodevelop$ echo 'cd ~/src/monodevelop; make run &' > monodevelop-2.2
ben@ben-vbox:~/src/monodevelop$ chmod +x monodevelop-2.2
ben@ben-vbox:~/src/monodevelop$ sudo mv monodevelop-2.2 /usr/local/bin

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