我的mini2440 Linux2.9.32 移植问题记录

1.总是出现MACH_TYPE = 1999
NOW, Booting Linux......
Uncompressing Linux...................................................................................... done, booting the kernel.



s3c2440            ARCH_S3C2440        S3C2440           362

mini2440        MACH_MINI2440        MINI2440        1999

解决方法:将第一行改成 s3c2440            ARCH_S3C2440        S3C2440           1999


1..[*] Enable loadable module support --->

       [*]   Module unloading

 2. System Type ---->
       [*] S3C2410 DMA support       [*] Support ARM920T processor
            S3C2440 Machines --->
               [*] SMDK2440
               [*] SMDK2440 with S3C2440 CPU moduleq


3.Boot options   --->
将 (root=/dev/hda1 ro init=/bin/bash console=ttySAC0) Default kernel command string

改成    (noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock2 init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC0 )
其中 mtdblock2 表示 MTD 分区的第二个分区存文件系统; Linuxrc 为启动的首个脚本。

4关掉nand ecc .因为bootload中已经有ecc校验算法

Device Drivers --->
       <*> Memory Technology Device (MTD) support --->
               [*]   MTD partitioning support
               <*> NAND Device Support --->
                       <*>   NAND Flash support for S3C2410/S3C2440 SoC
                       [ ]     S3C2410 NAND Hardware ECC     // 这个要去掉



3.添加nand flash驱动(可参考arm/plat-s3c24xx/common-smdk.c)


中添加static struct mtd_partition mini2440_default_nand_part[] = {
    [0] = {
        .name    = "supervivi",
        .size    =  0x00040000,//dev/mdkbloack0
        .offset    = 0,
    [1] = {
        .name    = "param",
        .offset = 0x00040000,
        .size    = 0x00020000,
    [2] = {
        .name    = "Kernel",
        .offset = 0x00560000,
        .size    =1024 * 1024 * 1024,
    [3] = {
        .name    = "nand",
        .offset    = 0x00000000,
        .size    = 1024 * 1024 * 1024,

static struct s3c2410_nand_set mini2440_nand_sets[] = {
    [0] = {
        .name        = "NAND",
        .nr_chips    = 1,
        .nr_partitions    = ARRAY_SIZE(mini2440_default_nand_part),
        .partitions    =mini2440_default_nand_part,

static struct s3c2410_platform_nand mini2440_nand_info = {
    .tacls        = 20,
    .twrph0        = 60,
    .twrph1        = 20,
    .nr_sets    = ARRAY_SIZE(mini2440_nand_sets),
    .sets        = mini2440_nand_sets,
        .ignore_unset_ecc = 1,


static void __init mini2440_machine_init(void)
       s3c_device_nand.dev.platform_data = &mini2440_nand_info;  //添加内容
    platform_add_devices(mini2440_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(mini2440_devices));

static struct platform_device *mini2440_devices[] __initdata = {






&s3c_device_nand,   // 把 nand flash 设备添加到开发板的设备列表结构



    chip->ecc.mode        = NAND_ECC_SOFT;

 改为:chip->ecc.mode        = NAND_ECC_NONE;

      注意:否则将会出现很多问题Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000018
pgd = c0004000
[00000018] *pgd=00000000
Internal error: Oops: 5 [#1]

make zIamge下载后报错


arch/arm/mach-s3c2440/mach-mini2440.c:84: error: array type has incomplete element type
arch/arm/mach-s3c2440/mach-mini2440.c:85: error: array index in non-array initializer
arch/arm/mach-s3c2440/mach-mini2440.c:85: error: (near initialization for 'mini2440_nand_sets')
arch/arm/mach-s3c2440/mach-mini2440.c:86: error: field name not in record or union initializer
arch/arm/mach-s3c2440/mach-mini2440.c:86: error: (near initialization for 'mini2440_nand_sets')
arch/arm/mach-s3c2440/mach-mini2440.c:87: error: field name not in record or union initializer


#include <plat/common-smdk.h>
#include <linux/mtd/mtd.h>
#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
#include <linux/mtd/nand_ecc.h>
#include <linux/mtd/partitions.h>
#include <plat/nand.h>//这个也不能少的哦  


affs: dev is 32505858 name is "mtdblock2"
yaffs: passed flags ""
yaffs: Attempting MTD mount on 31.2, "mtdblock2"
yaffs: auto selecting yaffs2
yaffs_read_super: isCheckpointed 0
VFS: Mounted root (yaffs filesystem) on device 31:2.
Freeing init memory: 128K
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init

解决办法: 这个时候懵了,哪里错呢~ 没办法,只能对照着友善的配置一个个大模块对着来改
当改到Kernel Features的时候错误消失了,原来需要选上
Use the ARM EABI to compile the kernel
Allow old ABI binaries to run with thie Kernel
为什么呢?~ Google了一下,原来友善的根文件系统在编译的时候也启用了EABI特性,内核和文件系统需要对上
文件系统用了EABI 内核也要用EABI 内核不用EABI 也只能读取不用EABI的文件系统
