Ubuntu 中rdesktop如何切换和退出远程桌面

Ubuntu 中rdesktop如何切换和退出远程桌面原文如下:

I use RDP a lot and having to disconnect from my session to switch to another window is not an option. The problem  lies somewhere with compiz. What supposed to happen when you hit ctrl+alt+enter is that it windows the session…but it doesn’t. Here is my fix.

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
System > Prefrences > Advanced Desktop Effects Settings
Utility > Workarounds > uncheck Legacy Fullscreen Support

That should do it…now off to figure out using SSL with rdesktop.

1 这是一个BUG,如果不使用桌面效果,就可以用Ctrl+Alt+Enter在全屏和最大化之间切换。



2 安装 compizconfig-settings-manager :

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

3 在系统菜单(System)->首选项->compizconfig settings manager 打开之后:

