openSUSE下安装Robocup 3D simulation server

The rcssserver3d install manual under SUSE 10.X or Fedora Core 5/6  Linux OS

(By JMU Robot Soccer Teams)

1, make sure that you have install the following packages while installing the SUSE/FC inux Operating System:

gcc ,boost,java ,ruby,freeglut-devel,Mesa-devel、fontconfig-devel、freetype2-devel、xorg-x11-devel,SDL,zlib,slang.

2,install the Devil_1.6.7( by ./configure , make and make install

3,install the ode-0.8( by ./configure --enable-double-precision, make , make install

4,install the spades_1.10( by ./configure ,make ,make install

5,install the rcssserver3d-0.5.6.

Note: Firstly,you should download the update package and additional scene pictures of the soccer field from the following URL:

and run tar -zxvf serverchanges.tar.gz. then copy the updatepackage.tar.gz to the directory of rcssserver3d-0.5.6,

e.g. " cp updatepackage.tar.gz /home/rcssserver3d-0.5.6/ ",then go to the directory of rcssserver3d-0.5.6 and run tar zxvf updtatepackage.tar.gz.

Now compile the server,also include three steps:./configure , make and make install (almost cost you twenty minutes)

6,after install the server over,you should copy the addtional.tar.gz to /usr/local/share/rcssserver3d/

and then decompress it.

7,run cp /usr/local/lib/rcssserver3d/* /usr/local/lib/ and cp /usr/local/lib/* /usr/lib to make sure that the simspark  can load the libraries of the simulation server correctly.

8,Now you can run the server and client of Simulation 3D to check your installation.

run " simspark " to start the simulation server,

run " agentspark " to start the sample client provide by the server,and you can see a player stand on the field and  swing his hands.

run " monitorspark --logfile sparkmonitor.log " under the directory of rcssserver3d-0.5.6/app/monitorspark to replay the match.The simspark doesn't save the logfile of the match default,so you should change the parameter in /usr/local/share/rcssserver3d/simspark.rb line:6 (false -> true).

