openSUSE 11.1正式版多图抢鲜看

openSUSE官方放出了openSUSE 11.1正式版的最新截图新鲜出炉,让我们一睹为快,里面还有一些新特征介绍。

openSUSE 11.1正式版多图抢鲜看

openSUSE 11.1正式版多图抢鲜看

openSUSE 11.1正式版多图抢鲜看

openSUSE 11.1正式版多图抢鲜看

最后告诉大家准确的发布时间:Ready for openSUSE 11.1?
This is just the start of what’s available in openSUSE 11.1! openSUSE 11.1 ships December 18th, 2008 for both download and boxed editions, so stay tuned for more Sneak Peeks and all other news about openSUSE 11.1!
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