Ubuntu Linux系统提示声音设置

不知道从合适起,我的Ubuntu Linux系统一遇到系统警报,不但发出警报声,而却全屏幕闪屏.看着实在难受!

于是,在系统帮助中搜索'bell',也就是'警报声'的意思.看见帮助的第一项为"System Bell Settings",点进去之后是如下内容:

Table 8-19 System Bell Preferences

Sound an audible bell: Select this option to enable the system bell.
Visual feedback: Select this option to enable visual feedback
to indicate input errors.
Flash window titlebar: Select this option if you want window titlebars to flash
to indicate an input error.
Flash entire screen: Select this option if you want the entire screen to flash
to indicate an input error.

具体的设置菜单步骤:System->Preference->Sound->System Beep,根据个人喜好进行设置.Enjoy this!
