Ubuntu7.10 无法使用shutdown -h now关机的解决方法

Ubuntu7.10 下无法使用shutdown -h now关机,那怎么办呢?教你一个方法,如下:

1)Reboot your pc, after bios messages, when you see the Grub row  and then press ESC key

2) Select the kernel row and press edit select

3) Select the "kernel /boot/......" row and press "e" to edit this row

4) add the acpi=force parameter at the end of the row

5) then press "enter" and then press "b" to boot

6)重新启动进入后 ,用 sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

找到 # defoptions=nosplash ,去掉注释,使之生效,并在本行最后,加上 acpi=force parameter


8)update Grub type

sudo update-grub

9)再用shutdown -h now 试试
