
我办公室的机器 用一个 acronis 分了好几个区, C: D: E: F: 还安装了 SUSE 10.1 .

None of Ubuntu 6.06 and 7.04 can not list out the partitions. I googled and found someone else said he solved the problem by using 易我分区医生.Before I tried it I backed up my computer. I did not format all the harddrive to install Ubuntu and Windows xp because I have installed many softwares for windows xp, and I did not want to do them again. 使用易我分区医生.先备份分区表,然后整理分区表. Ubuntu 还是不仅不能识别出多个分区,连硬盘也识别不出了.

我用易我分区医生又恢复分区.. Good news is that the computer was totally as the same as it was before I used 易我分区医生. 我使用 acronis 删掉了D, E, F 分区. Ubuntu 这次能够识别出分区了,终于不用重装windows 把 ubuntu 安装成功了.

