光盘上的操作系统 Slax Linux 6.0


SLAX 是一个快速而美观的Linux操作系统,它可以在一张CD-ROM小光盘上(3.14″光盘或者USB均可)直接运行,而并不需要安装,制作出来的CD运 行是基于Slackware Linux 的发行版本,使用统一文件系统,运行的所有数据都保存在RAM中,这款软件比较适合打算初步认识Linux系统和一些低配置的朋友们.

Changes in version Slax-6.0.0 RC3:
- added Linux Kernel
- full NTFS write support including Persistent changes on NTFS
- added newer aufs version with refined inode handling, which works much better than the previous version and fixes the problem from rc1.
- upgraded to Slackware current
- added full perl, I hate it but it’s needed, I know
- added xterm for popular demand, plus few more X apps
- added some man pages back, added ‘man’ and ‘groff’
- added gettext and gettext-tools
- koffice is splitted to a separate module so you can remove it easily
- fixed changes=/dev/device/dir/file which didn’t work
- fixed hostname if dhcp host is missing
- start dhcpcd using -t 60 and fork it to background (&)
- released 28 modules for internationalization (including initrd support for correct ‘localized’ mounting of NTFS volumes)

