Ubuntu安装Oracle XE

Ubuntu不支持Oracle,网上教程太复杂,总是出错.后来找到个能装XE的就装了,Oracle Database 10g Express Edition requires 1006 MB of swap space

  1. echo "deb http://oss.oracle.com/debian/ unstable main non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list   
  2. apt-get update   
  3. apt-get install oracle-xe-client    
  4. apt-get install oracle-xe   
  5. sh /etc/init.d/oracle-sh configure   
  6. vim /etc/default/oracle-xe  

You can always disable Oracle XE startup in boot time with (no update-rc.d method here ;-) ):

chmod -x /etc/init.d/oracle-xe  

The alernative way to the same is to edit /etc/default/oracle-xe and change:


Web console management
- If you have installed OracleXE database on remote *nix server, you can easily setup a ssh tunnel in order to gain access to a web administration console (since web console is bound to loopback device and therefore unavailable outside to the network):

$ ssh oracle-xe-server -L 8081:localhost:8080

While keeping this proces running (or keep it on background via `screen` or `nohup`), you may now login to Oracle XE web administrations console on your local computer: http://localhost:8081/apex/. Please notice that your ssh daemon on your local computer should allow TCP forwarding: AllowTcpForwarding yes in your sshd configuration file.
SQL Remote connection management
- By default OracleXe installation does not allow sql network connections to your XE database. To enable it, logon to web management console and enable "Remote connections": "Administration->enable "Available from local server and remote clients"-> press "Apply Changes". The same procedure can also be done from the commandline:

$ sqlplus -S system/password@//localhost/XE <<!

If your SQL client uses a Oracle Instant client installation, the SQL connection can be obtained by entering:

[atrakic@adm2-43 ~]$ sqlplus username/password@//oraclexe.hostname.or.ip//XE

If somewhat connection is refused (due to firewall restrictions) you can use same ssh trick as done previously:

$ ssh oracle-xe-server -L 1512:localhost:1512  

where your sql connection should be like this:

atrakic@adm2-43 ~]$ sqlplus username/password@//localhost//XE  

User management
Add user
- In order to add single sql user with non-dba privilages to OracleXE execute following commands:

  1. --   
  2. -- Contents of: this_script.sql   
  3. --   
  5. CREATE ROLE myconnection;   
  6. GRANT CREATE session, CREATE table, CREATE view, CREATE procedure, CREATE synonym TO myconnection;   
  7. GRANT myconnection TO myuser;   
  8. /  

You can run this SQL script with:

  1. # su - oracle    
  2. oracle@server:~$ sqlplus / as sys   
  3. SQL> @this_script.sql   
  4. SQL> exit;  

Alternatively use web managment console to add new Oracle XE users accordingly.
Delete user
- For deleting a sql users from OracleXE use web management console or execute following commands from the commandline:

  1. # su - oracle    
  2. oracle@server:~$ sqlplus / as sys   
  3. SQL> drop user myuser cascade;   
  4. SQL>exit;  

