Binary Search Tree(BST)二叉搜索树的实现-Java语言





在《COMPUTER ALGORITHMS Introduction to Design and Analysis》一书中对BST的定义如下:

A binary tree in which the nodes have keys keys from an ordered set has the binary search tree property if the key at each node is greater than all the keys in its left subtree and less than or equal to all keys in its right subtree.In this case the binary tree is called a binary search tree.






/* @class Node{} 在定义二叉树之前先定义节点的类 */ class Node{ int value; //节点的值 Node l_child; //左孩子 Node r_child; //又孩子 Node(int value) //自定义的构造函数 { this.value=value; this.l_child=null; this.r_child=null; }   } /*@ class BinaryTree 定义二叉树*/ public class BinarySearchTree { private Node root; //根节点   BinarySearchTree(){ root=null; } //带形参和不带形参的构造函数 BinarySearchTree(int []arr){ for(int i:arr) insert(i); } private void insert(int value){ root=insert(root,value); ///这里的root是根节点,每次从根节点开始递归查找待插入的节点 } private Node insert(Node node,int value) { if(node==null) node=new Node(value); else if(value<node.value) node.l_child=insert(node.l_child,value); //递归的找到待插入的位置 else node.r_child=insert(node.r_child,value);   return node; //返回已插入值后的node,赋值给root } private void visit(Node node) { if(node==null) return; int value=node.value; System.out.println(value); } private void in_order_traves(Node node) { if(node==null) return; else {   in_order_traves(node.l_child); //中序遍历,左根右 visit(node); in_order_traves(node.r_child); } } private Node bstSearch(Node root,int key) { Node found; if(root==null) found=null; else if(root.value==key) found=root; else if(root.value>key) found=bstSearch(root.l_child,key); else found=bstSearch(root.r_child,key); return found; } public static void main(String[]args) { int arr[]={3,5,10,6,4,12,8,9,7,2}; BinarySearchTree bitree=new BinarySearchTree(arr); System.out.println(bitree.bstSearch(bitree.root, 5).value); bitree.in_order_traves(bitree.root); }       }
