Linux Mint开发者创建Gnome 3分支 Cinnamon,mintgnome尽管以扩展的方式使用

Linux Mint 12推出了基于GNOME 3的桌面层MGSE,让GNOME 2用户能以熟悉的方式体验GNOME 3。尽管以扩展的方式使用很酷,但无法控制扩展间的互动和加载顺序等。于是Linux Mint创始人Clement Lefebvre创建了Gnome 3一个分支,取名为Cinnamon

MGSE 项目首页:

Cinnamon 项目首页:

在Cinnamon中,你将可能看到GNOME2-like 的通知系统和托盘图标,可以改变托盘位置等等。英文介绍如下:

Cinnamon is a Linux desktop which provides advanced innovative 
features and a traditional user experience.

The desktop layout is similar to Gnome 2.
The underlying technology is forked from Gnome Shell.
The emphasis is put on making users feel at home and providing 
them with an easy to use and comfortable desktop experience
