Ubuntu Phone安装镜像下周将开放下载,touch Deve

Ubuntu Phone 适用于 Galaxy Nexus 和 Nexus 4 的安装镜像和开源代码从下周开始将开放下载,Canonical 今天宣布了这个消息。

touch Developer Preview of Ubuntu for Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 4 will be availableDaily update mechanism to follow progress in UbuntuCanonical will flash phones at MWC for industry, developers and enthusiastsPreview SDK and App Design Guides already available for developers building touch apps for Ubuntu

February 21st 开始,两个预编译的镜像将向所有人开放,开发者还会提供相应的刷机工具,很好地显示刷机进度,这和之前Nexus 7上的Ubuntu安装应用类似,到时有这两款设备的可以一试。

Mark Shuttleworth:

This release marks the threshold of wider engagement – both with industry and community,…, for developers, contributors and partners, there is now a coherent experience that warrants attention. The cleanest, most stylish mobile interface around

