跨平台3D赛车游戏 SuperTuxKart,与 TuxKart

SuperTuxKart是TuxKart 赛车游戏的增强版本。与 TuxKart 相比,它增添了更多的新角色和比赛路线,一个全新的界面,以及一些细小的图形改进。它是一个有趣的竞技游戏,把重点放在乐趣和易用性发挥上。


SuperTuxKart is a free 3d kart racing game; we want to make the game fun more than we want to make it realistic. You can play with up to 4 friends on one PC, racing against each other or just try to beat the computer. (a network multiplayer feature is planned)

See the great lighthouse or drive through the sand and visit the pyramids. Race underground or in space, watching the stars passing by. Have some rest under the palms on the beach (watching the other karts overtaking you :) ). But don't eat the bananas! watch for bowling balls, plungers, bubble gum and cakes thrown by opponents.

You can do a single race against other karts, compete in one of several Grand Prix, try to beat the high score in time trials on your own, play battle mode against your friends, and more!  

超过20游戏赛道和战役竞技场分屏支持多用户多游戏模式:大奖赛、单人赛、计时赛、后续-领导模式、3-Strikes 战役奇怪的字符可以运行在GNU/Linux、Windows、MacOSX、FreeBSD、Solaris

Ubuntu 安装方法:
# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stk/dev
# sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install supertuxkart
