Quick Tip: How to Add Syntax Highlighting to Any Project,syntaxhighlighting

Quick Tip: How to Add Syntax Highlighting to Any Projectpublic String showAllArticleForPage() throws Exception{HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest();String username=(String) ActionContext.getContext().getSession().get("user");System.out.println("showAllArticleForPage===发表文章和修改文章后跳转的页面 =username="+username);String pageIndexS = request.getParameter("pageIndex");Integer pageIndex = 1;Boolean pcOrmobile=HttpRequestDeviceUtils.isMobileDevice(request);System.out.println("pcOrmobile=="+HttpRequestDeviceUtils.isMobileDevice(request));if(pcOrmobile){ return "mobile";}if(!"".equals(pageIndexS) && pageIndexS != null){pageIndex = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("pageIndex"));request.setAttribute("pageIndex", pageIndex);}//request.setAttribute("pager", articleService.showAllArticleForPageByUsername(username,pageIndex));//request.setAttribute("pager", articleService.showAllArticleForPage(pageIndex));request.setAttribute("type", "sign");return "articlesList";}


Visual Studio 2005 新特性
Posted on 2005-05-14 14:26 yang_sy 阅读(308) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 收藏至365Key 所属分类: visual studio
技术的发展随着人们的技术需求,这对于Visual Studio也是一样的,Visual Studio 2005的目标是针对开发程序因此增加了许多的新特点以开发的过程,这篇文章的目的是介绍Visual Studio2005的一些相关的变化

Productivity features

The first time that you start Visual Studio, it asks to make a selection from a list of predefined settings. Any further customizations made to the IDE, such as adding a shortcut key combination or changing the docking location of a window, are tracked and stored along with the predefined settings.

These settings cab be reset by choosing Import/Export Settings on the Tools menu as shown below.

Settings can be stored in a file and the same file can be exported to other system to get the same settings. The Import/Export Setting dialogue box is available on the Tools menu.

Using the advanced settings related features in VS 2005 we can achieve following:

Save the settings in a file so the same can be used in other machine
As the settings can be stored in a file and shared with other team members
While exporting the setting to a file, the same is saved in a .vssettings file. Some setting information contain computer related information which may expose a security risk, we need to be careful about the same while exporting. Such settings are identified by information icon while exporting and VS will warn about the potential security threat while exporting such settings.

While importing the settings from a .vs......余下全文>>



