

常言道:“工欲善其事,必先利其器”。国内多数计算机用户使用的都是Windows操作系统,甚至连科研单位也在所难免。出现这样的情况原因很多,对于一个Bio-technician而言,离不开Win的一个很大的原因是所用的专业软件运行平台离不开它。实际上,很多科研软件都是先有*nix版本的,或者有些就只有那些版本。本人之前也一直很痛苦在Ubuntu上用不了DANMAN(在Ubuntu 8.04的时侯我Wine过,但Ubuntu 9.04时侯就完全用不了了)。其实,Ubuntu的源里面就有很多这样的软件。


yuanjin@yuanjin-laptop:~$ apt-cache DNA >DNA.txt


yuanjin@yuanjin-laptop:~$ gedit DNA.txt




boxshade - Pretty-printing of multiple sequence alignments
dialign - Segment-based multiple sequence alignment
dialign-tx - Segment-based multiple sequence alignment
exonerate - generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison
fastdnaml - Tool for construction of phylogenetic trees of DNA sequences
last-align - genome-scale comparison of biological sequences
maq - maps short fixed-length polymorphic DNA sequence reads to reference sequences
melting - computing the melting temperature of nucleic acid duplex
mummer - Efficient sequence alignment of full genomes
ncbi-epcr - Tool to test a DNA sequence for the presence of sequence tagged sites
plink - whole-genome association analysis toolset
primer3 - Tool to design flanking oligo nucleotides for DNA amplification
sibsim4 - align expressed RNA sequences on a DNA template
sigma-align - Simple greedy multiple alignment of non-coding DNA sequences
sim4 - tool for aligning cDNA and genomic DNA
t-coffee - Multiple Sequence Alignment
tigr-glimmer - Gene detection in archea and bacteria
ugene - integrated bioinformatics toolkit
ugene-data - required data for UGENE - integrated bioinformatics toolkit
wise - comparison of biopolymers, commonly DNA and protein sequences
wise-doc - documentation for the wise package
clustalw - global multiple nucleotide or peptide sequence alignment
molphy - Program Package for MOLecular PHYlogenetics

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