Ubuntu 9.04 开机登陆画面展示[多图]

Ubuntu 9.04已经确认在4月23日发布,在发布前2个月,Softpedia拿到了最新的系统启动画面.


Ubuntu 9.04 开机登陆画面展示[多图]

Ubuntu 9.04's new login screen!

Ubuntu 9.04 开机登陆画面展示[多图]

Ubuntu 9.04's new login screen - the Options menu

Ubuntu 9.04 开机登陆画面展示[多图]

The new login screen theme in GDM's preferences tool

Talking about new features... here's another sneak peek at the revamped "Where are you?" step of the Ubiquity installer...

Ubuntu 9.04 开机登陆画面展示[多图]

And... last but not least, here's a screenshot of the new notifications implemented last week in Ubuntu 9.04...

Ubuntu 9.04 开机登陆画面展示[多图]

Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha (Daily Build 20090221) showcasing the new notifications.

This is NOT the default look of Ubuntu 9.04. The theme and wallpaper are third-party!
