创建RMAN catalog实现物理备份

1. 场景描述;
catalog database grid
target database ql
2. 在catalog database上创建rman表空间
SQL> create tablespace rman datafile '/u01/app/Oracle/oradata/gird/rman.dbf' size 500m autoextend on next 100m maxsize unlimited;
Tablespace created.
3. 在catalog database上创建rman用户
SQL> create user rman identified by rman default tablespace rman quota 500m on rman;
User created.
4. 在catalog database上对rman用户赋予权限
SQL> grant connect,resource to rman;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant recovery_catalog_owner to rman;
Grant succeeded.
5. 在target database上修改tnsname.ora
[oracle@test admin]$ more tnsnames.ora
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = gird.57ql.com)
6. 注册数据库
[oracle@test /]$ rman target / catalogrman/rman@rman;
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Sep 3 16:12:41 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
connected to target database: QL (DBID=2286587371)
connected to recovery catalog database
RMAN> create catalog tablespace "RMAN";
recovery catalog created
RMAN> register database;
database registered in recovery catalog
starting full resync of recovery catalog
full resync complete
7. 备份数据库
RMAN> backup database;
Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 03-SEP-12
RMAN> exit

8. 小结
使用catalog database存储rman备份的元数据在生产环境中十分常见,且安全性高。可以将grid control的reponsitory database与catalog database整合在一起。
