
模拟MySQL的show grants命令


  1. sqlplus / as sysdba
  2. drop user edmond cascade;
  3. create user edmond identified by edmond;
  4. grant connect,resource to edmond;
  5. grant select,insert,update,delete on hr.employees to edmond;
  6. grant update(department_id),insert(department_name,department_id) on hr.departments to edmond;


  1. set linesize 200;
  2. col privs_type format a10;
  3. col username format a20;
  4. col table_name format a35;
  5. col column_name format a25;
  6. col PRIVILEGE format a60;
  7. with t1 as
  8. (
  9. select upper('edmond') username from dual
  10. )
  11. select '角色' privs_type,'NULL' username,'NULL' table_name,'NULL' column_name,wm_concat(GRANTED_ROLE) PRIVILEGE from dba_role_privs,t1 where GRANTEE=t1.username group by '角色','NULL','NULL','NULL'
  12. union all
  13. select '表权限',owner,TABLE_NAME,'NULL',wm_concat(PRIVILEGE) PRIVILEGE from dba_tab_privs,t1 where GRANTEE=t1.username group by '表权限',owner,TABLE_NAME,'NULL'
  14. union all
  15. select '列权限',owner,TABLE_NAME,column_name,wm_concat(PRIVILEGE) PRIVILEGE from dba_col_privs,t1 where GRANTEE=t1.username group by '列权限',owner,TABLE_NAME,column_name;


  1. set linesize 200;
  2. col privs_type format a10;
  3. col username format a20;
  4. col table_name format a35;
  5. col column_name format a25;
  6. col PRIVILEGE format a60;
  7. with t1 as
  8. (
  9. select upper('edmond') username from dual
  10. )
  11. select '表权限' privs_type,TABLE_SCHEMA username,TABLE_NAME,'NULL' column_name,wm_concat(PRIVILEGE) PRIVILEGE from all_tab_privs,t1 where GRANTEE=t1.username group by '表权限',TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME,'NULL'
  12. union all
  13. select '列权限',TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME,column_name,wm_concat(PRIVILEGE) PRIVILEGE from all_col_privs,t1 where GRANTEE=t1.username group by '列权限',TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME,column_name;


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在CentOS 6.4下安装Oracle 11gR2(x64)

Oracle 11gR2 在VMWare虚拟机中安装步骤

Debian 下 安装 Oracle 11g XE R2


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