学习笔记:VMWARE ESXI5.5在windows 2003客户端连接报错的解决方法

VMWARE ESXI5.5在windows 2003客户端连接报错的解决方法


最近在学习安装安装 VMWARE ESXI,服务器端安装到没什么问题,但是在客户端安装时却出现了麻烦,我选择的是5.5版本,具体版本号是5.5.01331820,在安装客户端的时候就有提示该软件不支持Windows xp和Windows Server 2003,一开始也没在意,认为不是小的兼容性错误罢了。


“vSphere Client and vSphere PowerCLI might fail to connect to vCenterServer 5.5, with a

handshakefailure. See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2049143

• When installed on a Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 host machine,the vSphere Client

and vSpherePowerCLI might fail to connect to vCenter Server 5.5, with a handshake failure.

vSphere 5.5 usesthe Open SSL library, which, for security, is configured to accept only

connections thatuse strong cipher suites. On Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, the

vSphere Clientand vSphere PowerCLI do not use strong cipher suites to connect with vCenter

Server. Thisresults in the error No matching cipher suite on the server side, and ahandshake

failure on thevSphere Client or vSphere PowerCLI side“






